If you are trying to decide if your should exercise during and after cancer, then you have found the right article.Most of the time we hear that doctors recommend the patient to rest when the patient is suffering from any disease. But exercise offers many benefits for cancer patients - during and after treatments. Exercise helps in lowering your stress levels, improving your sleep pattern, and boosting your mood.
Many people question that is it good to exercise during cancer treatment? The answer is yes, you can do exercise with the recommendation of your doctor. Stretching is the best or walking to increase oxygen and movement in the blood. Even trying water aerobics or swimming after all open wounds are healed can do the body good.
During cancer treatment, you should be physically active as it will help in the recovery process. During treatments, your medical care team should decide the level of exercise you can do, based on your stage of cancer, type of cancer, and treatment that is going on, in addition to your ability, strength, and fitness level to do the exercise. People who do exercise before the start of the treatment need less exercise during the treatment because the main aim is to keep the person active. Some people start their own exercise program but it is recommended that you consult a specialist who will help you with his or her expertise.
After cancer treatment, some side effects of the treatment go away within a few weeks but some side effects can last much longer. Studies have been done to check the impact of physical activity with cancer recurrence and survival rates. Results indicated that physical activity proved to be very essential in muscle strength, cardiovascular fitness, body composition, and psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, etc.
Results from 20 studies taking people with breast cancer, colorectal, prostate, and ovarian cancer have indicated that the people who stay active are at lower risk of cancer recurrence as compared to people who are not active.
It is recommended that people should limit their calorie usage if they are overweight or obese after treatment ends.