Should I Partake In Exercise During and After Cancer?

If you are trying to decide  if your should exercise during and after cancer, then you have found the right article.Most of the time we hear that doctors recommend the patient to rest when the patient is suffering from any disease. But exercise offers many benefits for cancer patients – during and after treatments. Exercise helps in lowering your stress levels, improving your sleep pattern, and boosting your mood.

Many people question that is it good to exercise during cancer treatment? The answer is yes, you can do exercise with the recommendation of your doctor. Stretching is the best or walking to increase oxygen and movement in the blood. Even trying water aerobics or swimming after all open wounds are healed can do the body good.

During cancer treatment, you should be physically active as it will help in the recovery process. During treatments, your medical care team should decide the level of exercise you can do, based on your stage of cancer, type of cancer, and treatment that is going on, in addition to your ability, strength, and fitness level to do the exercise. People who do exercise before the start of the treatment need less exercise during the treatment because the main aim is to keep the person active. Some people start their own exercise program but it is recommended that you consult a specialist who will help you with his or her expertise.

After cancer treatment, some side effects of the treatment go away within a few weeks but some side effects can last much longer. Studies have been done to check the impact of physical activity with cancer recurrence and survival rates. Results indicated that physical activity proved to be very essential in muscle strength, cardiovascular fitness, body composition, and psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, etc.

Results from 20 studies taking people with breast cancer, colorectal, prostate, and ovarian cancer have indicated that the people who stay active are at lower risk of cancer recurrence as compared to people who are not active.

It is recommended that people should limit their calorie usage if they are overweight or obese after treatment ends.

Healthy Diet and Cancer

Your eating patterns can have a powerful effect on your health. It is suggested by research that 70% of cancer risk is within your control. You have the power to reduce the cancer risk by changing your diet and lifestyle. It is proved by researchers that when you eat a Mediterranean diet, you are lowering the risk for a variety of common cancers, including breast cancer. Try to eat foods that are rich in nutrients and fibers. Think plant based instead of meat based.

Sugar Intake

Some people believe that sweets feed cancer, but the truth is more complicated. Using a spoonful of sugar will not directly make cancer cells grow faster, but you should keep a check and balance on how much sugar you use in your diet. High sugar usage can lead to obesity and other problems that cause cancer.

Eat plant-based foods

Eating plant-based food lowers the risk of developing breast cancer. Researches indicated that using this strategy helps in protection against the most aggressive types of tumors. Eating fruits and vegetables helps you in controlling weight, which is important in keeping breast cancer from coming back as well.

Use whole grains

Eat unprocessed wheat, oats, etc. can help you in reduce the risk of breast cancer. This unprocessed food contains phytochemicals that lowers the chance of breast cancer return.

Using organic foods

Organic foods that are grown without pesticides or weed killers are great! A study found an association between organic products and lower cancer risks. It was recommended from scientists that you should eat vegetables and fruits and wash them carefully to remove all the residue of any chemical.


Vitamin D intake

It was found in many studies that when you intake a low amount of this nutrient, you are at higher risk of developing breast cancer. It may result in the growth of tumors. Sources of vitamin D include seafood like oysters, salmon, herring, mackerel, and sardines. Sunshine and orange juice provide a major quantity of vitamin D. Ask your doctor about Vitamin D supplements as well.

Avoid processed foods

Eating processed food such as bacon, sausages, hotdogs, pepperoni, and salami increases the risk of cancer. There is a 20% increase in chances of developing colorectal cancer if you intake about 2 oz. (50 grams). The reason behind this is increase is that nitrate preservatives or other substances used in processing meat. Eating red meat also increases the risk of developing cancer. It is recommended by experts that you should limit the amount of processed meats you intake.

Finding Ways To Relieve Stress In A Stressful World?

Stress is an individual’s response to stimuli that needs attention. In this post we discuss ways to relieve stress in a stressful world. Stress can cause physical, mental and emotional distress.

These days, people become easily overwhelmed because of the hectic routine, workload, peer pressure, family problems, or other issues. To deal with stress, you need some rest and exercise. You can perform some other actions to feel relaxed as well. Try a weekly self-care day. Here are some ways to deal with stress as well below.

  1. Healthy diet

Having a well-balanced diet can help you in relieving stress because it is full of nutrients and helps you in regulating your mood. You should eat vegetables, fruits, protein, and whole grains for energy. You shouldn’t eat the things that increase your stress level.

  1. Deep breathing

During your hectic routine, try to spare a few minutes for deep breathing. It will help you in an amazing way. Follow these steps: sit with your hands in your lap and feet on the floor, be in a comfortable position, close your eyes, imagine that you are at a relaxing place (any place you find relaxing), take a deep breath in and out, continue this activity for five to ten minutes at a time. You will feel much more relaxed than before you tried it.

  1. Exercise

Doing exercise is one of the best ways to deal with stress in your body. Exercise can help you in improving your mood as the body releases certain hormones during exercise. Set some goals in your fitness journey and stick to it. Need an accountability partner? Join a support group.

  1. Take a break from daily routine

Everyone is busy, doing things, performing tasks without any breaks. It results in stress to the body and mind. We should spare some time for ourselves. You need to plan something that gives you mental peace, relax your minds and make yourself satisfied. Do small things that make you happy, like yoga, meditation, and prayer. Also, listen to calming music, it has a healing effect on your body.

  1. Share your problems with others

Everyone faces problems at some point of their life and they need someone who can listen to and guide them to a solution. You should look around you and find someone to talk to. Consider a professional when needed. Talking about problems can help you in relieving stress.

  1. Be kind to yourself

Don’t give yourself a tough time. Deal with yourself as you deal with your companions. Try to accept that you can’t do all things perfectly as everyone has some specific abilities in a specific field. Be calm, you can do something.

Try these tips when you feel stressed, you will feel better. If you need to schedule a session or need help finding a professional, let us know.